Motorcycle Sunglasses & Goggles Keep You Safe and Looking Cool!
"We rolled across the high plains
Deep into the mountains
Felt so good to me
Finally feelin' free"
Bob Seger said it right in "Roll Me Away," his song about a day spent on his bike; there's nothing quite like riding a motorcycle. Of course, we all know there's that quintessential "free" feeling, coupled with the rushing wind and the scenery a whirlwind blur as you ride by. Yet, we also know that enjoying a motorcycle means riding safely. Most states require riders to wear motorcycle helmets, but what about motorcycle sunglasses & goggles? Even on the most peaceful rides, you never know what will happen. A small piece of debris could quickly end up in your eye and cause an injury or worse. Wearing a good pair of motorcycle sunglasses or goggles will protect your eyes from potential danger.
Peaceful Scenery and Peace of Mind
Riding a motorcycle stimulates all of our senses. The rush of the open road and the natural beauty of your surroundings do amazing things to a person's soul. However, before you start your next adventure and kick your bike into gear, take a moment to adjust your motorcycle eyewear. Ensure your glasses or goggles are securely fastened and tight enough to stay on your face throughout your ride. Brands like Wiley-X, Bobster, and Venture Gear have features that appeal to motorcyclists, such as razor-sharp optics, foam-padded frames, and retainer straps.
Ride With Certainty At Any Age
Whether you're a skilled rider or just getting started, seeing clearly is essential to staying safe on the road. Our older customers who own motorcycles have reported that they prefer bifocal safety glasses because they allow them to view all of their bike's instrument panels without constantly adjusting their vision. At the same time, the bifocals allow them to see clearly when looking down the road.
A bug hitting you in the eye at 70 MPH is no picnic! So always wear your Motorcycle Eyewear.

Regular Care Is Key
It's important to keep your bike clean and looking new; the same goes for lenses. After every ride, you should use a mild soap and water solution (never window cleaners) and a microfiber cloth to remove dirt and grime from the lenses before storing them. Check out our lens cleaning guide for more information on the proper way to clean your lenses.
For riders on the move, the SGUSA Lens Cleaning Towelettes are a convenient way to quickly clean your lenses. These small pre-moistened packets are easy to store and make it easy to keep your lenses clean even after traveling the dirtiest roads.
Avoid lens scratches by using the inside of your microfiber pouch when cleaning your lenses.
We want to hear from you.
Please leave us a comment about your favorite motorcycle glasses or goggles!