7 Steps That Help Prevent Eye Allergies

Don't Let Eye Allergies Ruin Your Summer

Spring has sprung, and Summer is just around the corner, which means allergy season is in full swing. Common substances such as tree pollen's,  dust, and pet dander can make your eyes miserable. If you suffer from red, itchy, watery eyes more than likely, you're suffering from eye allergies.

Recent studies by The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology estimates 50 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. Those numbers translate into nearly 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children! To make matters worse, in some cases, eye allergies can contribute to conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other eye infections. Gross.

Feel free to blame your parents for this problem as most eye allergies are usually hereditary (thanks, Dad). Fortunately there are are ways to help prevent or reduce your symptoms.

Allergy Girl

7 Tips That Help Prevent Eye Allergies

  • While spending time outdoors, wear wrap-around safety glasses to help keep allergens away from your eyes. When mowing the yard or gardening use safety glasses with foam padding to keep pollen, dust, and flying debris out of your eyes. Since safety eyewear features polycarbonate lenses, you'll get the added benefit of 99.9% UV protection as well.
  • When driving around keep your car windows closed. Not only will this keep allergens from being rammed into your eyes, but it will help keep the interior of your vehicle cleaner.
  • Replace the air filters in your home on a regular basis. These nifty devices help keep allergens, such as pollen, dust and pet dander out of your home, but if your filters haven't been changed in awhile, they may be doing more harm than good.
  • Reduce your exposure to Dust Mites by encasing your pillow in allergen reducing covers. Wash your sheets in water that's at least 130º F.
  • Check the pollen reports on your favorite weather app and try to stay inside on high-pollen days. If you have no choice and need to spend the day outside, make sure to shower, wash your hair and change clothes as soon as possible to remove allergens.
Puppy On Couch
  • Try to keep your pets off the furniture and frequently vacuum your floor and furniture with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum. Avoid touching your eyes after handling pets and give "Fido" a bath if he's been outside rolling around in high allergen areas.
  • Schedule an exam with your eye doctor, they can provide advice on allergy specific eye drops and make sure you don't have an underlying dry eye condition, which may be mistaken as eye allergies.

By limiting your exposure to allergens, you'll take a big step towards relief. And that means you'll be able to enjoy the Spring and Summer even more.

Eye healthSafety tips

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