Stay safe and up to date: The latest news and tips from Safety Glasses USA

Get Ready For The North America Annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023
What is an Annual Solar Eclipse?
Mark your calendars for October 14, 2023, because a rare celestial event will occur: an annular solar eclipse. Dur...

Fireworks & Eye Injuries
Fireworks Are Responsible For Many Eye Injuries
The 4th of July holiday is known for parades, cookouts, and fireworks. However, it is important to...

Eye Injury Misconceptions
Eye Injuries Are Far Too Common
There are many misconceptions about eye injuries that can put our vision in danger. Since our daily experiences rel...

How To Remember Your Sunglasses
Sunglasses Are Important
Sunglasses have become more than just a fashion accessory; they protect our eyes and overall eye health. Whether it's a br...

Beat the Heat Cooling Products
Staying Comfortable in the Heat
When working extended periods in hot environments, taking preventative measures against heat-related illnesses is v...

Paving The Way To Road Worker Safety
A sea of Orange cones
Summer is the season of sunshine and adventure. However, it is also when road construction projects flourish, transforming ou...

5 Ways To Prevent Common Eye Irritations
Your Eyes Need Proper Care
In our increasingly digital and fast-paced world, where screens are ubiquitous, and the demands on our visual senses are...

Eye Emergency: Do You Know What To Do?
Eye Emergencies are Common
The CDC states, “Each day, about 2000 US workers sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment.” In a...