3 Ways to Prevent Eye Injuries

The Power of Prevention

Remember this old saying?

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

The lesson is clear. Time and money spent preventing what could go wrong based on history and research ends up being a lot less costly than the “cure” that becomes necessary when we neglect prevention.

Take healthcare for example. Focusing on maintaining and improving health is the best way to prevent disease and the astronomical costs associated with it. Related to this, consider how much focus athletes place on preventing injury by staying in top shape and wearing protective gear.

Eye injuries provide yet another example of the value of prevention related to our health. In the workplace alone, the cost of not preventing eye injury is huge.

OSHA estimates the yearly cost of occupational eye injuries to be about $300 million, and these costs include medical expenses from doctor visits, treatments, and surgery, compensation for damage or loss sustained and at least partial reimbursement for lost wages.

That’s not even including the indirect costs involved. Clearly, eye injury can be a costly problem in many ways. Fortunately, it’s vastly easier and much less expensive to prevent it than it is to deal with the “pound of cure” that comes from its neglect.


Always Wear Eye Protection


Preventing Eye Injuries

There’s definitely a strong case for Why You Should Wear Safety Eyewear for preventing eye injuries. Yet, it’s often hard to know where to start. The following three ways to prevent eye injuries provides that solid starting point.

  1. Wear safety eyewear consistently. Safety eyewear is a cost-effective solution for preventing eye injuries wherever they take place. Not only can they prevent injuries from happening in the first place, but they can also reduce the severity of injuries that do occur. In fact, 90% of eye injuries are preventable or significantly minimized if the right safety eyewear is worn.
  2. Stay aware. Awareness involves regularly assessing your surroundings and the hazards presented in the task at hand. Staying aware means understanding the basics of eye health too, such as why wearing sunglasses regularly is so important. Staying aware of what may cause eye injury and illness not only motivates toward wearing protective eyewear, but it also improves overall eye health as well.
  3. Use common sense. Commons sense concerning eye safety is really very simple. It ranges from selecting the right toys for the right age to wearing the proper eye protection while playing sports. Common sense involves making sure your work area stays clean and that you follow your company’s safety policy. The most difficult part of common sense related to eye safety involves the seemingly endless scenarios possible. That’s why the best common sense tip involving eye safety is to take the time to make sure to use both common sense and safety eyewear properly.


Worker putting on their safety glasses

The base of knowledge from these 3 simple tips will go a long way in preventing and minimizing eye injury. In addition, it also helps build a lifestyle of healthy practices that can serve to keep your eyes in good condition for as long as you need them.

Eye healthSafety eyewearSafety tips

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