Student wearing safety goggles while performing a lab experiment

Most parents are experts at their children's safety at home, but what about while they're at school? You can't watch over your children every minute of the day, but you can arm them with the safety essentials to help them make safe choices.

Helping children choose the right Children's Safety Glasses is important for keeping the eyes of America's future safe and sound. Bright clothing and bike helmets are two other essential areas for ensuring children are safe. A panic alarm is yet another option many parents are considering.

Bright Clothing

We’re not talking about dayglow clothing like what construction workers wear. Yet, it’s certainly a lot easier to see children crossing the street to the bus and walking home when they're wearing bright colors. Choose colors like red, orange, and blue over ones that can more easily blend into the background, like black and tan.
Children's Bike Helmet

Bike Helmets

Some children ride their bikes to/from school, and others ride them to hang out with friends after school. Be sure to evaluate the fit of helmets regularly. Children grow fast, and the bike helmet they wore last summer may be a little snug this year. Also, if the design of the helmet looks a little too childish, consider buying a more adult-looking bike helmet. Comfort and style will go a long way in helping children decide to actually wear their helmets.

Panic Alarm

Many parents now equip their children with a panic alarm, usually, a small key fob with a panic button children can push to sound a loud, piercing alarm. If children know how to use them appropriately, panic alarms can be a terrific safety tool. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the safest of times, and having your child carry a panic alarm as he or she walks home, or travels anywhere alone, can help sound the alarm" should your child be in a dangerous situation.

Children's Safety Glasses

Remember the days of woodshop and those thick safety goggles? Today’s children's safety glasses, like our Pyramex Mini Ztek Safety Glasses, are vastly different. They provide children with both superior eye safety and a stylish, modern design they won’t mind wearing. Consult with your school board on standards for children's safety glasses in your school and equip your child with the right safety eyewear for their science labs and shop classes.

Want to do more?

If you're interested in doing more to promote your children's eye health and safety, consider exploring these related posts:

Parents can't keep watch over their children every moment of the day, but they can equip them with the safety essentials and the knowledge to help them make good safety choices. Be sure to talk with your child about common safety tips and how they can incorporate safety into their day.

KidsSafety glassesSafety tips

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